The Secret to Successful Content Marketing

Like everything associated with Digital Marketing, the strategies involved with Content Marketing also need to be regularly updated. It doesn’t matter if you have been doing content marketing for a while or have just started to get the drift of it all; you cannot compromise on flexibility and planning ahead of time.

Marketers are creating more content every year and the heavy dependency of the B2B marketers on smart content marketing plans comes as no surprise. After all, it is all about website traffic and relevant users, and what better way to achieve that than an attractive content marketing strategy.

Here are three important characteristics and components that you will need to make your content marketing strategy thrive this year.

  1. Your Target Audience

The first question you should ask yourself before going forward with planning and investing time in a marketing strategy is: For whom are you creating the marketing plan?

Knowing your audience will help you in planning the strategy. It will also minimize any leaks in the strategy by enabling you to reach the ideal customer base who will be interested in your products, offers, and services.

While targeting the relevant audience, you should keep in mind some demographics like gender, personality, city, age, interests etc. of the users.

You will be expected to change the marketing plans based on these questions.

  • Who will be interested in your products/services
  • Will they contribute to your revenue
  • Does your product/service solve the problems of your target audience
  1. Non-Promotional, Relevant Content

If you have carefully researched the market and your target audience, this step wouldn’t be that difficult. But the solution of the problem also makes things complicated for the businesses. They struggle to know the relevant topics that have the ability to address the problems of the audience and solve them at the same time.

Grabbing the attention of the customers wouldn’t be a problem with your content, but retaining that attention and building on that will always need relentless work. You cannot afford to lose the customers – this is why avoiding promotional content is very important. Your customers see enough promotional content and ads for free on the Internet; why would they return to your blog or YouTube channel if you are promoting your products blatantly.

You should create content that focuses on solving the problems of the customers and give them something that they cannot get anywhere else. Your target audience should feel that they got exactly what they came to your website for, and then some.

A call to action can only be used if you are offering something to solve their problem.

Note: Do not use professional language. Try to connect with the audience through your content. Write exactly the way you will talk to a person. Making the reader comfortable as soon as they start reading goes a long way.

  1. Sharing, Promotions, Distributions – Make Your Content Seen

Now with the content writing part out of the way, it is time for you to ‘reach’ your target audience. This is where most of the content marketing strategies fall short. Businesses should understand that creating something for an audience you cannot reach is never a good idea. What is the point of doing so much planning when you cannot get traction on your website or channel?

Promotion of your content through relevant sources and social media platforms is one of the most important pillars of content marketing. But just over 25% of businesses invest in promotion and distribution of their content.

There are various ways through which you can make your potential clients and users read your content and know that you exist.

  • You can ask a famous blogger to put a link of your website in his blogs
  • Share content on various social media hands and to your subscribers
  • Google AdWords [Paid Campaigns – PPC]
  • You can also as websites and bloggers to write about your services and products

Letting the decision in the hands of the customers is always a good option when it comes to content marketing. You should never force your services and products on the customers through advertising. Give them the option to connect with you.

The final step is to follow up on the leads that you have created in the process and nurture those new relationships.

Youfoodz Pulled Off A Digital Marketing Campaign With 2200% ROI – Here’s How

The food delivery industry has seen a tremendous rise in popularity in recent years. With so many delivery options available in the market for the customers, the competition has stiffened up – from pre-prepared meals to fine dining options, customers have a plethora of home delivery services to choose from.

To be relevant in an industry that has seen even the best minds suckling at the fringes, you have to think out of the box. Youfoodz, a ready-to-eat meal delivery service, created an example for generations to come. When the company grew through traditional marketing tactics and mediums like radio and TV between ’14 and ’15, the same approach just wasn’t changing gears anymore. In a market driven by digital presence of any given business, Youfoodz wasn’t utilizing the full potential of its marketing strategy and business model.

Kane Sala, the general manager of Youfoods, said that when the business model was already giving a hard time to the competitors, the mission statement was still sitting on paper, waiting to be turned into a full-fledged reality.

Youfoodz decided to create a digital marketing campaign that could leverage the existing customer information, data and harvest that information to boost the revenue. Kane Sala consulted a customer acquisition specialist, Alley Group, to bring in an end-to-end customer lifecycle strategy and create a ‘brand’ of Youfoodz.

Alley Group is a definitive and a well-grounded digital marketing campaign strategizing firm that has seen business models go from rags to riches. But according to Nick Lavidge, CEO of Alley Group, every business model is different and expects a completely unique marketing strategy and approach. He said that business owners have a knack to set unrealistic targets and it is the responsibility of people like us to hit those targets for them and give them a glimpse of things that were beyond their personal impressions.

Youfoodz went all in with their digital marketing requirements and introduced their business structure to Alley’s fully-managed social and digital marketing manifesto. The company gave the liberty to Alley Group to handle everything from display to social media as long as they could harvest the already-collected data and increase the chances of conversion.

When you do not have a proper knowledge of how things should work online, you tend to make-do with plans and strategies that you see have worked in the past for similar businesses – these humble creative strategies may seem like a good place to start but can hurt the entire business structure if not tested frequently and changed with the market elements.

The first thing that Alley Group did was redefine the creative strategy of Youfoodz that was in place. They fine-tuned the copies and creatives and worked in close-quarters with the in-house marketing team of Youfoodz.

By Utilizing and Wringing Customer Data, Youfoodz got 2200% ROI

The importance and criticality of collecting customer data cannot be overemphasized in digital marketing. Tracking the behavior of the customers not only helps in making smarter media buying but also enables us to deploy better digital campaigns across all possible channels.

Companies do not exploit the collected data and do not feel that the data can be relevant. But, in fact, it is one of the most important aspects of a successful marketing campaign – it helps in communicating with the customers, know what they are like and what exactly do they get a kick out of.

Another thing that should be considered is the possibility of tracking – if you are working with marketing strategies that make it harder to track the results then it is imperative you scale back on them. Through analytics and customer tracking, Alley Group has delivered a 223% increase in weekly revenue, 139% increase in the returning customers and a whopping 70,000 new customers.

Get Your Hands on Advanced Search Engine Optimization Course at Academy SID

Getting your business’ name on the first page of Google through your WordPress website or a content-driven blog will not be as difficult as people think it is, given the fact that you are investing in the right SEO training – Academy SID can give you that training structure in Delhi.

Search Engine Optimization Overview

The practical SEO training course available at the Institute is one of the most advanced SEO courses that show how to actually plan the content structure of your website and how a perfectly optimized website can only rise up on the search engines.

You will be taught to plan keyword research, change both onsite and offsite tactics according to the content being updated on the website, design your own SEO campaign – you will be able to increase organic traffic on your website without any paid campaigns, resulting in an increased business.

Search Engine Optimization Course in Delhi

The courses are planned at the institute – they will show you the perfect way to create new SEO tactics to bring in fresh digital visitors, being relevant on various search engines, and to make sure that the old clients are constantly being engaged and are getting product details that they need. Creating a sustainable business model will be easier for you after the completion of the course.

Who can attend the classes?

Our SEO training Institute in Delhi will cater to marketing executives and Internet managers of brands and digitally driven companies that require a sound program to implement SEO on both, business to business and business to customer markets. A little knowledge of SEO and digital marketing will be helpful but young marketers can also attend to get an experience of running various SEO-based marketing programs.

What will be covered during the training?

  • Getting detailed and high-quality links for making your SEO campaign stick for a longer period of time.

  • Where can you put keywords in your content and on your website to get the maximum possible effect?


  • Making your website light, easier to access and most importantly, make it load faster – how to make your website perform better on Google.

What will you learn during the course?

  • SEO-based copywriting

  • A detailed knowledge of how to create unique content for boosting any given SEO campaign

  • Why not to add spam links in your content and why is it important to give accessible and readable content to the audience visiting your website.

  • Spending on paid campaigns in proportions

  • Emphasizing on organic SEO

  • Bringing in your Social Media into your SEO campaign

  • Building your own ROI model

  • Effective and result-oriented Search Engine Optimization Course and Keyword research to integrate with content creation.


Get Online Certification in Digital Marketing

Internet marketing can’t just be ignored. It is the newest and easiest way to reach out to prospective customers and lure them toward your business. You know that millions of people are using the World Wide Web each day to search for your products and services. Many are in your region and looking for local businesses. Your prospective customers are online and searching for you. You want to make it easy for these potential customers to find you. That is what it is all about.

Digital marketers are quite literally the eyes and ears of an organization, providing valuable psychological insights into consumer behavior. Their findings tend to generally have a significant effect on how companies choose to design, sell and distribute their products & services.


Digital marketing can have a huge impact on the overall success of companies. The analysis will not only be to understand consumer expectations but also use this understanding to drive better product development, advertising messaging strategies and overall campaign management. The more target and result-oriented these strategies are for consumers and prospective customers, the more profitable the returns could be for companies, by increasing the brand loyalty and value of clients.

By monitoring campaigns, marketing analytics can enable you to spend every penny as effectively as possible. Simply put, knowledge is power and companies that make improvements in their measurements and ROI capabilities are more likely to have outgrowing customer base and surpassing competitors, with a greater level of effectiveness and efficiency in their marketing.

It is used to gain insights that inform and structure business decisions and can be used to optimize business processes. Data-driven companies treat their data as a corporate asset and use it for a competitive advantage.

Pursuing an online certification in digital marketing has gained popularity over the years, owing to measurability of results. The several web analytics tools have made it easily possible to track the innumerable factors such as advertising ROI and traffic but the key lies not just in acquiring meaningful data but putting that particular information to appropriate use and deriving results. If the data is not put to a proper and optimal use, it can likely lead to losses in terms of revenue, clients and competitive edge in the market.

There are a range of online courses available to teach and explain the various components of digital marketing, and some of them are free as well. Now, many might feel that they could practice the strategies without actually pursuing a course or a training program but if ever even once a thought occurs that maybe you should pursue one, well then go for it because it will help you with learning structure, mentorship and with an opportunity to work with like-minded people.

One of the most comprehensive programs is provided at Digital Vidya, which is built exclusively for digital marketing training. The other leading digital marketing training company is Digital Academy, which offers one flagship program and two short courses. The flagship program is an online certification in digital marketing.

Academy Sid is a new venture which offers a range of digital marketing programs to increase your marketing quotient. Because, online marketing is only to make the process of marketing simpler, and most of it is the same old strategies of marketing which one must possess to grow and prosper in the long run. It’s much like how it used be in those days without most of the technological advancements, only that it happens on the virtual landscape now.

Digital Marketing Overview

Digital Marketing is a rising industry. Everyone from a Doctor to an IT professional needs gain considerable knowledge in it.

What are digital marketing basics?

Search engine optimization (SEO)

The first and the foremost thing to learn in digital marketing is search engine optimization (SEO). Google has given an advantage to the websites, especially start-ups to get themselves noticed. This optimisation is not paid and is called “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results.

Search engine marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a unique style of promoting the websites by increasing its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), which is done by paid advertising. To attain this visibility, one needs to incorporate right SEOs and if required they have to rewrites website content and re-design the structure of the website to gain better ranking in the search engine. This further enhances pay per click (PPC) listing also.

Content marketing

Content marketing is one of the most smart tools to fetch traffic, because it requires no efforts but a little knowledge to play with words and get your data visible on the first page. The content is produced in a manner that can bring target audience to the page. It is a huge investment that can help organization in a number of ways, such as:

  • Attract attention and generate leads
  • Expand their customer base
  • Generate or Increase online sales
  • Increase brand awareness or credibility
  • Engage an online community of users

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Every company maintains its level of social media marketing by creating a log full of analytic tools, which help the companies to gauge the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns. Companies address a range of stakeholders through social media marketing including current and potential customers, current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers, and the general public. This helps the company in promoting the product on the website.

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)

Pay-per-click (PPC), which is also known as cost per click (CPC), is a unique way to deal with the advertisers and the brands. Advertiser pay for their ad to the website on which it was placed by the Google, the payment depends on the number of clicks. Pay-per-click is commonly associated with first-tier search engines (such as Google AdWords and Microsoft Bing Ads).

To come into the realm of search engine, one needs to have the best keywords and phrases to target the market. In contrast, content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. PPC “display” advertisements, also known as “banner” ads, are shown on web sites with related content that have agreed to show ads and are typically not pay-per-click advertising. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have also adopted pay-per-click as one of their advertising models.

Delhi school of digital marketing

These basics can only be taught in the best digital marketing institute in Delhi, where professionals are teaching. There are institutes that have tie-ups with Google, Microsoft, IBM and other big brands. These can be a great source to learn. Academy SID is also teaching digital marketing course in Delhi.

Digital Marketing Certificate – Why Social Shares are Important?

Social media sharing is done when users and social profile owners broadcast web content on the Internet and share them with their friends, groups, connections, etc. What is the objective? First of all, it is one of the most important marketing strategies and second of all, it helps generate unique brand awareness on digital platforms by simply leveraging on the existence of fresh, accessible content and audience. Social shares create a sense of transparency and trust among the social media users who don’t know about your brand.

Advanced digital marketing training program for engaging the audience online

Social shares are different from Facebook or Twitter Ads – you get organic promotions that are generated by the public. Your clients share posts on their social profiles about products, offers, services – they share blog posts, images, video content, etc. When people see the content, it brings in more business and increases an online following.

When Facebook Ads can be seen by a selected group, shared posts have more potential – they will be seen by a wider audience and have more authenticity. Once a new post is shared online, it spreads on the network of the user, gaining a mass audience in the process. Viral marketing is never done through ads, it is done by making the clients share content and making them like what they see – you can’t force your followers to share the content.

Digital Marketing Certification ICDL for Brand Creation

Promotions, social share, sales are more than just online recommendations – they are important to create a brand. People don’t want to know what your website has to stay, they want to know what is the difference between your services and your competitors; you clients want to know about your brand statement.

Social platforms like Facebook and Twitter are perfect for brand creation – they help businesses and brands stand out and define who they are – how they are helping the community.

Plus, social media is also more interactive than a website can ever be. A digital marketing campaign is always built on the followers and communities your brand wants to engage. When clients share a post online, it creates validation and more firm foundations are established.

Tips according to the best ICDL digital Marketing Institute in Delhi – Academy SID

  • Before anything else, you have to be consistent in your approach. A marketing campaign that doesn’t engage the audience on a regular basis is no help at all. Clients should not see your posts as irrelevant noises on the Internet – if you are consistent, clients will connect with your brand better and will look forward to your posts rather than ignoring them.
  • The second most important thing is to always create meaningful content for the clients. Do not, in any case, spam your clients. The content you create should be relevant to your brand and should be fresh. You must craft content that adds value to your brand.

All of these things can be a bit overwhelming at first, but a Digital Marketing Certificate will make things easier to understand.

Business analytics training in Delhi

Business analytics (BA) refers to the set of skills, technologies, and practices for continuous exploration and investigation of past business performance to develop insight and drive business planning. This is particularly used in businesses that are dependent and committed to data-driven decision-making.

It is used to gain insights that inform and structure business decisions and can be used to optimize business processes. Data-driven companies treat their data as a corporate asset and use it for a competitive advantage.

There are two techniques to business analytics. Firstly, there is business intelligence which involves looking at the historical data to understand how the business department and team members performed over a particular period of time. The second technique includes deeper statistical analysis. With the application of statistical algorithms, predictive analysis is made to understand growth perspectives of the business. Following are the specific types of business analytics:

  1. Descriptive analytics: Primary focus of this data is to analyse the present situation of the business, by tracking key performance indicators.
  2. Predictive analysis: This focuses on the likelihood of future outcomes by analyzing the trends data.
  3. Prescriptive analysis: The primary focus here is to use past performance analysis in a given situation to handle the same in a given future.

From a range of online courses to professional and governmental courses, there’s no dearth of available knowledge out there. One of the leading institutes offering analytics training in Delhi is the Ivy Professional School. However headquartered in Kolkata, they offer a range of courses from certification courses on Analytics to Big Data Science, R, SAS, Python, Excel. Their courses are also used by leading companies for internal training purposes.

Headquartered at Delhi, AnalytixLabs is a training solutions company led by the alumni of McKinsey, IIM, ISB, and IIT. They offer an array of courses across Data Science, Big Data Analytics and Data Visualization with global certifications as well. They also deliver training programs to corporates in addition to individual professional training. The courses offered are at different levels, starting from beginners to intermediate to advanced levels.

Imarticus, headquartered at Mumbai, is a company which helps individuals and other companies in realising their human capital and skillset requirement. The fundamental principle behind Imarticus’ course content is providing in-depth knowledge of the analytics tools along with key concepts of Data science and other related areas. It also provides hands-on experience to the students with a rigorous industry mentorship process to help them prepare on trends and challenges in the analytics industry.

Some other small ventures such SimpliLearn and Edu Pristine are also offering programs in digital marketing, along with courses in different disciplines such as Big data, Business analytics, Hadoop, Finance and Accounting.

AcademySID is also an upcoming brand which offers a range of analytics programs in Delhi to increase your marketing quotient. Because, online marketing is only to make the process of marketing simpler, and most of it is the same old strategies of marketing which one must possess to grow and prosper in the long run. It’s much like how it used be in those days without most of the technological advancements, only that it happens on the virtual landscape now.

A Look at The Best Digital Marketing Course In Delhi

There are many digital marketing courses in Delhi to learn from basic to advanced level. Many institutes direct students to take complete introductory course before heading to the advanced certification level, such as Google Certification course. Even if you have an experience of working in Digital Marketing firms, you should start from scratch to build a strong foundation.

Here’s a look at the digital marketing courses you should take

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Off-Page Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Web Analytics

Digital marketing course in Delhi:

With the growing use of internet, every other institute has included this course type in their syllabus. One needs to fine the right one for them. There are a few institutes on Pusa Road and Barakhamba Road which are considered as a hub for good institutes. Apart from that, the central universities also introduce short term cheap courses, but they might not have experienced faculty members. So, it is better to opt for private institutes like AcademySID that provides a complete knowledge about the modules and one can also learn digital marketing with ease.

How to learn digital marketing:

The main use of digital marketing is to create a brand online.

Learn how to create awareness about the brand.

Gain accessibility.

Well, on social media platforms, brands are building their relationships. Digital media forums are bringing great businesses to them, such as Facebook, YouTube, Forums, and Email etc. They are building multi-communication channels where information can be disseminated across the globe. When a brand uses social media platforms, it is important to do wise segregation to target the right audience. Social media provides an opportunity to have interactive communication with the consumers.

Take advantage of a Competitive environment

The main advantage of using internet marketing is that it’s highly economical in nature. There is no wear and tear issue with this sort of marketing. One can start with just by an internet connection and there is no need to have car, fuel, and other miscellaneous things required. There is very low external service costs, advertising costs, promotion costs, processing costs, interface design costs and control costs.

Create Brand awareness

Brand awareness is built with internet marketing to avoid uncertainty and provide guidance to the company as well the customers. The brands solely reply on social media marketing and they harness the best image through these platforms for themselves. Clearly, social media enhances the image of the brand and people start talking about it, so yes, internet marketing is very important.

It is easy to opt for digital marketing and gain knowledge, but it is very difficult to get a job in a competitive phase. People clear the tough interviews and then get a job. But there are institutes like AcademySID which offer Digital marketing courses in Delhi with placement.

Aspiring Digital Marketers Must Go for Facebook Training Course

Facebook is definitely the most popular social media platform available with an array of advantages. Primarily, it is a social networking website; though it can be used as a handy instrument to promote a business venture. We can use Facebook to create a market for a product or service being provided by a company.

To achieve success in building popularity of your brand digitally, one needs more than just a fan page liked by handful of friends. When used effectively and efficiently, Facebook marketing can help a business flourish rapidly. It can enable entrepreneurs to greatly increase their brand awareness, and touch base with a wider audience.

How can a Facebook training course be beneficial for your business?

Facebook is becoming a powerhouse of promotional activities owing to the massive number of engaging users on the website and the ease of connecting with them directly. It can provide your business with branding on the web where prospective customers, employees, and even the media outlets can locate information about your company, and its products and services.

Facebook connects you and your management directly to your current customers and fans. It can generate new customers for your brand by bringing your products into notice. The organization promotes your business in a compelling manner to grab their attention. The social handle helps in sharing images, links and posts on an easily customizable page to outline a better sense of your business. It also runs tactics like sweepstakes, contests etc., that can augment fans and the awareness of your business.

What all will a Facebook training course cover?

Existing users will not find it tough to learn the tricks and traits of this highly beneficial social networking platform. The course will cover many-a-topics, such as how to create a fan page. A Facebook fan page is an exciting way to promote your business, build its awareness, create recognition, and generate support for your brand.

A Facebook Community page binds people with common interest together in order to build a brand. These thematic pages are provided with a number of features to make the communication easier for the audiences. These pages also let us stay connected with others who share similar interests and experiences.

Adverts on Facebook are quite unique. They are usually shown to specific groups of highly engaged users. If your adverts boast some great creative content and are well targeted, no doubt they will get more likes, shares and comments. Boosting our page posts or expanding the audience for the adverts, more audience will reach them. These ads allow us to promote our business, drive more fans to our business page, and generate more leads for our sales department. The ads also allow us to promote a content or website that we manage on the social networking handle such as a page, group or event. Then there is also the use of these targeted ads, and wall posts for driving a successful campaign which correspond to the advertising objectives of our business, and ultimately help optimize and derive the results.

A Guide to Basics Of Internet Marketing

Digital marketing is a term used for the marketing of products and services using digital technologies, mostly on the internet via platforms such as mobile phones, display advertising, or any other form of a digital medium. First usage of online marketing dates back to the ‘80s when the then SoftAd group developed advertising campaigns for automobile companies. The tool picked up in the 2000s when the proliferation of digital devices really took a giant leap forward. Today, the digital media growth is estimated at a 48 per cent growth, and an increasing number of businesses are employing Online Behavioral Advertising to tailor ads for internet users.

Internet marketing can’t just be ignored. It is the newest and easiest way to reach out to prospective customers and lure them toward your business. You know that millions of people are using the World Wide Web each day to search for your products and services. Many are in your region and looking for local businesses. Your prospective customers are online and searching for you. You want to make it easy for these potential customers to find you. That is what digital marketing basics are all about.

Digital marketing is indeed a powerful new tool that you can use to reach out to your customers and likelihood. Owing the ability to interact directly and talk with potential customers, this tool is more effective than traditional marketing.

There are a few broad categories to digital marketing:

  1. Search Engine Optimization: It is the methodological process to optimize your online content
  2. Search Engine Marketing
  3. Content marketing
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Pay-per-click advertising
  6. Affiliate marketing
  7. Email marketing

Learning about digital marketing basics can have a huge impact on the overall success of companies. The analysis will not only be to understand consumer expectations but also use this understanding to drive better product development, advertising messaging strategies and overall campaign management. The more target and result-oriented these strategies are for consumers and prospective customers, the more profitable the returns could be expected for companies, by increasing the brand loyalty and value of clients.

By monitoring campaigns, marketing analytics can enable you to spend every penny as effectively as possible. Simply put, knowledge is power and companies that make improvements in their measurements and ROI capabilities are more likely to have outgrowing customer base and surpassing competitors, with a greater level of effectiveness and efficiency in their marketing.

It’s not as simple as it sounds, though. There are a lot many algorithms and special codes to work around with in each of these categories. You need to develop a marketing strategy that could bring in new customers and create a base of loyal ones as well. Here at Academy Sid, learn about basics of internet marketing as there are a lot of professional programs, courses and certifications on offer to increase your marketing quotient. Learn the process, hone your skills and increase the potential of your business!